JAPAN EXPO シドニー 2024 出展


2024年12月14日、押し花アーティスト川越多江が初めての海外展示を 「JAPAN EXPOシドニー」 にて行いました。

今年のJAPAN EXPOシドニーは、オンラインと対面イベントを組み合わせたハイブリッド形式で開催されました。川越はまず8月に行われたオンラインウェビナーに登壇。押し花アートへの想いや制作プロセス、作品を通じて伝えたいメッセージについて熱く語りました。また、ウェビナーでは参加者からの質問にもその場で応じ、作品への理解を深める貴重な交流の場となりました。




JAPAN EXPOシドニーは、2021年から毎年開催されている、日本の物産、観光、文化を海外に発信する文化イベントです。2024年はシドニー市庁舎であるシドニー・タウンホールを舞台に行われる対面イベントと、オンライン形式を組み合わせた初めてのハイブリッド開催となりました。




Bringing Japan’s natural beauty to Australia

On 14 December 2024, pressed flower artist Tae Kawagoe held her first overseas exhibition at JAPAN EXPO Sydney.

This year’s JAPAN EXPO Sydney was held in a hybrid format, combining online and face-to-face events. Kawagoe first appeared at an online webinar in August. She spoke passionately about her thoughts on pressed flower art, her production process and the message she wanted to convey through her work. She also answered questions from the audience on the spot, providing a valuable opportunity for interaction and a deeper understanding of her work.

Despite the short face-to-face event in December, which lasted just six hours, around 3,000 people attended. The venue, with over 50 stalls and a stage performance, was very busy and there was a lot of interest in each stall. According to local staff, there were so many people interested in the pressed flower art that there was no time for a break, and the smiles of the visitors dispelled any concerns about the exhibition.

Due to scheduling conflicts, Kawagoe was unable to travel to Australia himself, but local staff reported that visitors who saw his works in the morning returned to his booth in the afternoon to purchase more. The special experience his works created in such a short time deepened the bond with visitors and demonstrated the potential of pressed flower art.

Kawagoe has used the technique of pressed flowers to express the ephemeral beauty of Japan’s natural beauty and plants. His works have been highly acclaimed both domestically and internationally as “art that harmonises delicacy and elegance”. This exhibition was a valuable opportunity to realise the potential of pressed flower art to cross borders and be accepted in different cultures.

JAPAN EXPO Sydney is a cultural event that will be held annually from 2021 to promote Japanese products, tourism and culture overseas. In 2024, it will be the first hybrid event, combining a face-to-face event at Sydney Town Hall with an online format.

The event, which aims to promote Japanese culture and traditions overseas, introduced pressed flower art for the first time and attracted interest from visitors who were already familiar with the subject as well as those who were not. By communicating directly through webinars and exhibitions, we were able to convey its appeal on an even deeper level.

The success of the exhibition was due to the dedication of the local staff and everyone who supported us. We are truly grateful.

In the future, we plan to expand overseas, take on new challenges and continue to spread the potential of art.
